mysql 语句索引优化

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mysql 语句索引优化



show index from table_name


mysql>ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name ( column );


SELECT order_id FROM orders LIMIT 6199000, 1000; – limit测试 SELECT order_id FROM orders order by order_id asc LIMIT 6199000, 1000; – count,where测试 select count(1) from orders where add_time=’2017-01-20 13:12:45’ order by order_id asc; – 字段、where测试 select order_id,order_num,order_price,add_time from orders where add_time=’2017-01-20 13:12:45’ order by order_id asc; – 字段、where多字段测试 select order_id,order_num,order_price,add_time from orders where add_time=’2017-01-20 13:12:45’ and order_price<100 order by order_id asc; – 字段、where多字段or测试 select order_id,order_num,order_price,add_time from orders where add_time=’2017-01-20 13:12:45’ or order_price<100 order by order_id asc; – 字段、where多字段 like select order_id,order_num,order_price,add_time from orders where add_time=’2017-01-20 13:12:45’ and order_price like ‘%100%’ order by order_id asc;


组合索引规则:最左优先 创建多列索引 mysql>ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name ( column1, column2, column3 );


alter table film_test2 disable keys; 导入操作 alter table film_test2 enable keys; #添加复合索引 alter table goods_order add index idx_goods(goods_id,goods_father,user_id);


explain select goods_id from goods_order where goods_id<10000 explain select goods_id from goods_order where goods_father=3 explain select goods_id from goods_order where user_id in (2,3,4,5,6)

explain select * from goods_order where goods_id<10000 and goods_father=3 and user_id in (2,3,4,5,6)

explain select from goods_order where goods_father=3 and user_id in (2,3,4,5,6) explain select from goods_order where user_id in (2,3,4,5,6) explain select * from goods_order where user_id in (2,3,4,5,6) and goods_father=3 and goods_id<10000